Welcome to the Hart Middle School Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA)!
Hart's PTSA brings together parents, teachers and students to work toward the common goal of improving our school. The PTSA strives to enhance educational experiences by creating an atmosphere where students, teachers and administrators can do their best work.
We strive to achieve this mission by:
- Volunteering our time for school events and projects.
- Hosting school functions - STEAM Night, Book Fair and Ice Cream Social, Reflections, Spirit Wear, Teachers and Staff Appreciation.
- Fostering communication among parents, staff and the district
- Fundraising for technology, staff support, and to help meet unfunded school needs.
- Grants for Teachers and Clubs.
How can I help?
1. Attend PTSA Association Meetings
Attending PTSA meetings is an excellent way to meet and work with our principal and staff. You'll learn about school function/PTSA activities and programs, allows PTSA members to have a say in how PTSA dollars are spent, as well as meet other parents.
2024-25 Association Meetings
Meetings are held on the Thursdays every other month @ 6 pm in the Hart MPR
- August 22nd
- October 17th
- January 23rd
- March 20th (GA meeting and Election for Hart PTSA 2025-26)
- May 27th
Set a goal of attending one PTSA meeting this year. Your presence will be greatly appreciated by all in attendance. The PTSA makes a difference at Hart. Your participation can make a positive impact at our school, plus you'll be a good role model to your children and your community.
Please contact PTSA President or Executive Vice President with any questions or if you are interested in taking on a position within the Hart PTSA.
The Hart PTSA maintains a Facebook page to deliver up-to-date messages to everyone who "likes" the page. This is a great way to get timely reminders for school events and to keep updated on district news. The Hart PTSA Facebook page complements Hart's E-Newsletter and website in keeping parents informed about everything going on at Hart. Please click on the Facebook logo to the right to go directly to the Hart PTSA Facebook page. Once you're on that page, click "like" at the top of the page to get signed up for regular Hart PTSA Facebook notices. Join Us On Facebook
2. Become a member of the Hart PTSA
Anyone in your family or in the community may join, including students. Everyone has the same voting privileges. By being a member, you are helping to fund various key programs at Hart. Adult, Student and Staff membership is $15.
3. Donate to the Husky Enrichment Fund
The Hart PTSA relies on the generous donations of parents and community members to fund programs that benefit all of our students. Your donation stays at Hart and supports programs such as classroom technology, lunchtime supervision, teacher grants and a variety of student programs